185 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games

Rating distribution for Seige07


Pages:   12   (2 in total)
Wed 17th Nov 13:30
Amazing introduction to SimulGear. Lots of in depth strategies and play styles that work for this board. Very well balanced and a lot of fun to play.
#24 of 24
Mon 2nd Aug 16:08
Rent is Due Again rated  Great
Graphically fun board. The many choke points with +1's sprinkled here and there keep the strategy interesting. Overall a fun board.
#23 of 24
Tue 13th Jul 21:52
Simple but fun looking board. Balanced and enjoyable to play.
#22 of 24
Tue 13th Jul 21:50
Gear Wars: Episode I rated  Poor
I love the design, but after playing a few games on the 'fixed' map I still see a large advantage for the first player. If they play optimally, it takes some really bad rolls on their part and some God like dice along with perfect strategy on the empire's side. Really wish I had a good suggestion to balance this board as I think it looks really good. Also wish there was a little better visual as to what can reinforce to where. Gets confusing in the middle of the game.
#21 of 24
Tue 13th Jul 21:45
Castles rated  Superb
Very nice use of Capitals. The risk/reward of grabbing them is very well balanced.
#20 of 24
Tue 13th Jul 21:42
Battle USA rated  Fair
Standard USA board. Nothing bad, but nothing special.
#19 of 24
Tue 13th Jul 21:40
Chain Game rated  Superb
Very unique gameplay. Allows for some different strategy. Not a map I would suggest for beginners.
#18 of 24
Thu 1st Jul 01:36
Seven Kingdoms rated  Great
Exciting board that combines a lot of elements but does so very nicely. One thing I've noticed is the continent bonuses don't usually seem to come into play. The strategy revolves strongly around the capitals.
#17 of 24
Thu 1st Jul 01:31
The Maze rated  Good
Fun board but Oatworm is correct in that it is much better when you play with fog. Very important to understand the way bonuses work to determine which territories are best for you to target.
#16 of 24
Thu 1st Jul 01:19
Risk-E-vaders rated  Fair
I have yet to try the quick elimination strategy. All the games I've won have been by taking a UFO on the first turn and slowly grinding out a unit advantage. Love the idea but think it really needs something to make it less grindy.
#15 of 24
Thu 1st Jul 01:15
King of the Mountains rated  Superb
Very interesting game play. Lots of strategy regarding when to continue attacking up the mountain and when to fority you base. Works best with 4-5 players.
#14 of 24
Thu 1st Jul 01:12
Expanding Europe rated  Fair
Pretty standard board. Nothing special graphically.
#13 of 24
Thu 1st Jul 01:10
Europe 1560 rated  Average
Good Europe map. Games run very long. Definitely a defensive minded map.
#12 of 24
Thu 1st Jul 01:07
Darts rated  Bad
I really like the idea but I was able to break the board to quickly....Maybe it needs to be changed to 6 in a row?
#11 of 24
Wed 30th Jun 23:39
Five rated  Poor
Even the "fixed" version doesn't seem to be completely balanced. While it does allow more chances for the first player to make a mistake to lose the game. The fortifying can take a lot to get used to. I suggest anyone that wants to try this board watch multiple replays of existing games first.
#10 of 24
Wed 30th Jun 23:34
Chutes and Ladders rated  Good
A good take on an old board game. The chutes and ladders that span a couple rows can make for some interesting strategic moves.
#9 of 24
Wed 30th Jun 23:32
Escalation rated  Great
A fun board that really favors smart aggressive play. Very few defensive points can make for what feels like a quicker paced game.
#8 of 24
Mon 28th Jun 13:54
Bloom rated  Fair
I feel like the card scale on this game makes to much of the strategy on the board irrelevant. It seems like the entire game rests on being able to hold out just long enough till you can start a chain of elimination using the cards from one to fuel the next.
#7 of 24
Thu 10th Jun 17:44
Very well designed hordes map.
#6 of 24
Thu 10th Jun 17:43
Ancient Isles of Kjeldor rated  Average
It's a fast paced map that rewards aggressive play. However, high unit count and heavy fog tend to turn it into a run away for one person who just gets lucky not to get attacked. That said I really like the chose your starting position aspect.
#5 of 24
Pages:   12   (2 in total)